Country: Spain (SPN)
2014 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ICOAI 2014)
December 22-24, 2014
Barcelona, Spain
【Submission Deadline】:2014-10-20
All accepted papers of ICOAI 2014 will be published in the International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (IJMLC,ISSN: 2010-3700)
Abstracting/ Indexing: Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, ProQuest, Electronic Journals Library, DOAJ and EI (INSPEC, IET).
【Call for Peper】:
- Agent-based systems
- Ant colony optimization
- Fuzzy Computing with Words
- Fuzzy systems for robotics
- Game theory
- Hardware Implementations
- Intelligent database systems
- Knowledge engineering
- Machine learning
- Modeling and identification
- Neural Network Theory and Architectures
- Particle swarm optimization
- Robotics and related fields
- Rough sets and rough data analysis
More topics: http://www.icoai.org/cfp.html
【Submission Method】:
Electronic Submission System (.pdf)
【Contact Us】:
Mr. Ian Sun
Tel: +86-28-8652-7868
E-mail: [email protected]