Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs and networks and is motivated by those applications where it is crucial to visualize structural information as graphs. Bridging the gap between theoretical advances and implemented solutions is an important aspect of the conference. Indeed, advances in graph drawing are a key factor in such technological areas as Web computing, e-commerce, VLSI circuit design, information systems, software engineering, computational cartography, visual interfaces, bioinformatics, and networking. Researchers and practitioners working on theoretical and practical aspects of graph drawing are welcome to participate. Human performance studies based on perceptual and cognitive evaluations are encouraged.
The range of topics that are within the scope of the International Symposium on Graph Drawing includes (but is not limited to):
* Visualization of networks, Web maps, software engineering diagrams, database schemas, chemical structures and molecules
* Graph algorithms
* Geometric graph theory and geometric computing
* Software systems for graph visualization
* Topology and planarity
* Graph theory and optimization
* Interfaces for interacting with graphs
* Empirical assessment of graph drawing systems
* Task analysis to guide graph drawing