The Third International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Economics
and Finance (CIEF'2003) will be held as a part of the Seventh Joint
Conference on Information Sciences. Computational intelligence, usually
known as a collection of techniques, including artificial neural networks,
fuzzy logic, evolutionary algorithms, etc., is one of the most important
tools in computational economics and finance. Over the last decade,
computatonal intelligence has been widely used in various economical and
financial modeling, prediction, and analysis. The most noticeable
application of computational intelligence is in financial date mining.
In addition to financial data mining, computational intelligence has also
been intensively used in the research area known as agent-based
computational economics where global regularities aries from the bottom up,
through repeated local interactions of autonomous agents. Computational
intelligence provides a tool to model these autonomous agents and their
interactions. Issues addressed included the behavior, cognitive and
psychological foundations of agent engineering, constructive communications
among the field and panel study, the experimental economics, behavior
economics, econometrics, and agent-based economic models, the micro-macro
economic relation, economics as a science of emergence. In addition, as one
of its distinguishing features, CIEF'03 also solicits studies applying
agent-based models to simulating the evolution of preferences, commodities,
technology, organization, human capital, and behavior and strategies. Papers
which do not explicitly use CI but may highlight promising new applications
of CI to economics and finance are also welcome.