* Cluster and Grid Computing
* Computing in Biosciences
* Concurrent Engineering
* Data Processing
* Educational Issues in Computational Science and Engineering
* Large Scale Simulations in all areas of Engineering and Science
(e.g., Computational Fluid Dynamics, Crash and Structural Analysis)
* Numerical Methods (PDE, Linear and Non-linear Algebra, etc.)
* Parallel and Distributed Computing
* Problem Solving Environments
* Scientific Visualization
SUBMISSIONS (Deadline, October 31, 2003)
SUBMISSION OF TUTORIALS (Deadline, October 31, 2003)
Proceedings, including full text of all presentations will be available
during the meeting. Additionally, a book will be published by Springer
in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html) and
distributed after the conference.
You may access the URL address http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/2004/ for
information on: committees, abstract and tutorial format and evaluation,
instructions for electronic submission, proceedings, registration fees,
tourist information and social programme.