We invite you to submit papers to the Ninth INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST-2004) to be held on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 23-24, preceding the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Denver. The theme of the conference is "Mobility, Organizations, Systems and Technologies (MOST)." The goal of the conference is to engage academic and industry researchers in a dialogue that examines a broad range of topics consistent with the theme. The deadline for submitting papers is May 17.
Three of the submitted papers will be chosen to receive awards. One paper will receive an "Overall Best Paper" award. Another paper that best reflects the theme of the conference will be chosen as the "Best Conference Theme Paper." A third will receive the "Best Doctoral Paper." Papers judged by the review process to be the best candidates for journal publication will be forwarded, with the approval of the authors, to a special issue of Information Technology and Management (or another appropriate journal) to initiate a review process.
For complete submission details and important dates, go to http://dupree.gatech.edu/cist2004/.