As methods for spatially representing solutions to partial
differential equations mature, the current methods for temporal
integration emerge as a bottleneck in many areas of large scale
computational science. This is of particular concern as the
emphasis in many applications and recent technologies requring
fully dynamic modeling over extended time periods.
It is the purpose of the workshop to focus on the above mentioned
issues=0Din more detail and, by bringing together experts in various
fields, initiate a discussion on how to effectively address these
significant challengdes.
The format of the workshop will be as a number of invited lectures.
These lecture are intended to delineate the problems encountered
as well as presenting a variety of existing and emerging time-
integration techniques. It will be a priority to attempt to
understand the advantages and limitation of the=0Ddifferent
techniques to suggest directions in which research should be
The workshop will close with a round-table discussion in an
attempt to identify important open questions and interesting
emerging techniques.
The invited speakers are chosen to cover a wide range of
expertize, ranging from numerical methods for ordinary and
partial differential equations to very large scale applications.