An informal meeting on numerical geometric integration and its
applications will be held at DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
University of Cambridge, on 23-25 April 2003. The main purpose is to
bring together colleagues currently working in the subject, many of
whom just happen to be around or nearby - whether the very active UK
GI community or the participants of the current special year on
geometric integration at the Center for Advanced Studies of Norwegian
Academy of Sciences, Oslo.
Speakers to date include
Chris Budd (Bath) Elena Celledoni (SINTEF, Trondheim)
Arieh Iserles (Cambridge) Stein Krogstad (Bergen)
Ben Leimkuhler (Leicester) Simon Malham (Heriot-Watt)
Liz Mansfield (Kent) Robert McLachlan (Massey)
Brynjulf Owren (NTNU, Trondheim) Reinout Quispel (LaTrobe)
Sebastian Reich (Imperial College) Will Wright (CAS, Oslo)
Claudia Wulff (Surrey) Antonella Zanna (Bergen)
Participation is free. Please let me know until 10th April if you wish
to present a talk.