Mark Hansen
Bell Laboratories
[email protected]
Paul Vitanyi
CWI and the University of Amsterdam
[email protected]
Bin Yu
UC Berkeley
[email protected]
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computational
Information Theory and Coding.
The notion of algorithmic complexity was suggested independently by
Kolmogorov, Chaitin, and Solomonoff in the 1960's. Both Kolmogorov and
Chaitin introduced the concept as a way to formalize notions of
entropy and randomness, building on results from theoretical computer
science dealing with partial recursive functions. Independently,
Solomonoff defined algorithmic complexity in the pursuit of universal
priors for statistical inference. In recent years, Rissanen expanded
the applicability of these ideas, employing well-established concepts
from information theory to frame his principle of Minimum Description
Length (MDL) for statistical inference and model selection.
Each of these lines of research has developed methods for describing
data (through coding and compression, or by analogy with some formal
computing device); and each of these lines has employed some concept
of an efficient representation to guide statistical inference. In this
workshop, we will explore both the foundational aspects of
complexity-based inference as well as applications of these ideas to
challenging modeling problems. Participants will be drawn from the
fields of statistics, information and coding theory, machine learning,
and complexity theory. Application areas include biology, information
technologies, physics and psychology. The following specific topics
will be covered by the workshop:
Kolmogorov complexity and inference
MDL (MML) theory and applications
Lossy compression and complexity theory
Complexity and Bayesian methods
Individual sequence/on-line prediction and predictive complexity
Compression methods for clustering
Machine learning and omputational complexity
Complexity and cognitive science
Registration fees:
(Preregistration deadline: May 26, 2003)
Regular rate (1 day/2 days/3 days/4 days/5 days)
Preregister before deadline $120/$240/$360/$420/$480
After preregistration deadline $140/$280/$420/$490/$560
Academic/nonprofit rate*
Preregister before deadline $60/$120/$180/$210/$240
After preregistration deadline $70/$140/$210/$245/$280
Preregister before deadline $10/day
After preregistration deadline $15/day
DIMACS Postdocs $0
Non-Local Graduate & Undergraduate students
Preregister before deadline $5/day
After preregistration deadline $10/day
Local Graduate & Undergraduate students $0
(Rutgers & Princeton)
DIMACS partner institution employ