DIMACS Workshop on Surface Reconstruction

Event Detail

General Information
Wednesday, April 30, 2003 - Friday, May 2, 2003
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic Oriented
DIMACS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
Event Details/Other Comments:

Surface reconstruction is the problem of producing a representation of
a two-dimensional surface in 3D, give a set of sample points lying on
or near the surface. There are a number of interesting systems which
collect sample sets and construct surfaces, using laser range
scanners, structured light and other techniques. Recent results in
computational geometry have focused on algorithms for the surface
reconstruction problem and finding ways to guarantee topologically and
geometrically correct outputs, given good enough input samples. This
workshop will encourage interaction between systems builders and the
computational geometry community.
We are interested in surveying the state of the theory and practice of
surface reconstruction, and in looking at related problems arising in
systems that reconstruct objects, such as the alignment of multiple
laser range scans, integrating photometric data, reconstructing
dynamic scenes and real-time object acquisition.
Keynote speaker: Marc Levoy, Stanford University
Invited Speakers:
J.-Angelo Beraldin, NRC Canada
Herbert Edelsbrunner, Duke University
Ping Fu, Raindrop Geomagic
Jason Geng, Genex Technologies
Marc Pollefeys, University of North Carolina