General Information
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 - Friday, December 9, 2011
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
Furama Riverfront Hotel
Country: Singapore (SNP)
Country: Singapore (SNP)
General Email:
Registration Information
Registration Phone:
(65) 6472 3108
Registration URL:
Event Details/Other Comments:
Following the success of our IEEM2007 and IEEM2008 in Singapore, IEEM2009 in Hong Kong, and IEEM2010 in Macau, IEEM2011 will be held in Singapore in 6-9 Dec 2011. We hope that IEEM2011 will link researchers and practitioners from different branches of industrial engineering and engineering management from around the world. Built on the experience of the earlier conferences, IEEM2011 will be a conference of very high standard. Please consider attending IEEM2011, and meet the friends from all of the world.
Papers on the following topics will be presented in oral and poster sessions:
- Decision Analysis and Methods
- E-Business and E-Commerce
- Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis
- Engineering Education and Training
- Facilities Planning and Management
- Global Manufacturing and Management
- Human Factors
- Information Processing and Engineering
- Intelligent Systems
- Manufacturing Systems
- Operations Research
- Production Planning and Control
- Project Management
- Quality Control and Management
- Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
- Safety, Security and Risk Management
- Service Innovation and Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Technology and Knowledge Management