Second International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web

Event Detail

General Information
Thursday, November 9, 2006 - Friday, November 10, 2006
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.
Event Details/Other Comments:

Call For Papers
Semantic Web technologies have matured to the point where they are
being adopted by many organizations for applications as diverse as
data integration, optimized search, and decision support. The
increasing use of the technology has resulted from mainstream
commercial software vendors providing solutions that support Semantic
Web technologies, and W3C making RDF and OWL standard recommendations.
It is widely recognized that rules are the next layer of focus within
the Semantic Web technology stack, and consequently interest and
activity in this area has grown rapidly over recent years. Semantic
Web rules would allow the integration, transformation and derivation
of data from numerous sources in a distributed, scalable, and
transparent manner.
The rules landscape features theoretical areas such as knowledge
representation (KR) and algorithms; design aspects of rule markup;
engineering of engines, translators, and other tools; standardization
efforts, such as the recent Rules Interchange Format activity at W3C
( ); and applications.
Rules complement and extend ontologies on the Semantic Web. They can
be used in combination with ontologies, or as a means to specify
ontologies. In these settings, rules can be used either in
conjunction with or as an alternative to description logics. Rules are
also frequently applied over ontologies, to draw inferences, express
constraints, specify policies, react to events, discover new
knowledge, transform data, etc. Rule markup languages enrich Web
ontologies by supporting publishing rules on the Web, exchange rules
between different systems and tools, share guidelines and policies,
merge and maintain rulebases, and more.

Meeting Format

The RuleML-2006 Conference is aimed to be the premiere scientific
forum for exchanging ideas on all aspects of rules for the Semantic
Web. It follows on the heels of three successful workshops on the
topic, in 2002, 2003, and 2004, and the first RuleML conference that
took place in 2005. Like its precursors, RuleML-2006 will be held in
collaboration with the International Semantic Web Conference
( ) and will be co-located with it. The
RuleML-2006 Conference will consist of both an academic track and an
industry track.
- Academic Track
Papers submitted to the academic track are expected to focus on
research related to the development and advancement of rule formalisms
for the Semantic Web. The work reported should be of foundational or
conceptual nature and will be judged according to the usual criteria
of novelty, significance, technical quality, etc.
- Industrial Track
The industrial track is designed to encourage participation from
builders of rules engines and of practitioners who use rules for
e-business, information integration, and other areas of the S