The 1st Annual International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in Management (AAIM'05) will be held during June 22--24, 2005, in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. Original research papers in the areas of algorithmic and mathematical aspects of management are solicited. In addition to theoretical results, we are particularly interested in submissions that report on experimental and applied research of general algorithmic interest. Special consideration will be given to research that is motivated by real-world problems. Experimental and applied papers are expected to show convincingly the usefulness and efficiency of the algorithms discussed in a practical setting. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest include:
Computational Financing,
Computational Game Theory,
Computational Logistics,
Discrete Optimization,
Facility Location,
Manufacturing Process,
Operation Research,
Reliability and Replacement,
Social Network Optimization,
Scheduling and
Transportation Science
Invited Speakers:
Ellis Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) and Yinyu Ye (Stanford University, USA)