The 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations

Event Detail

General Information
Monday, December 12, 2005 - Friday, December 16, 2005
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
Lam Woo Conference Center, Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong
Event Details/Other Comments:

The 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations and The First East Asia SIAM Symposium
December 12-16, 2005
Lam Woo Conference Center, Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong
Call for Minisymposia Organizers:
The aim of organizing the minisymposia is to highlight special topics and/or recent developments in the theory and application of scientific computing and PDEs.
The format of these minisymposia is intended to be that of four to six
(4-6) 30-minute talks on a related topic, e.g., a theoretical development or a particular class of applications. As time permits, the minisymposia may span more than one session of 2 hours.
We encourage interested organizers of such a minisymposia to submit proposals. It is anticipated that some funds are available to support local expenses for minisymposia organizers.
Registration and Accommodation:
All participants in the conference must register. The registration fee is US$230/HK$1,800, but those who register by September 30, 2005 need only pay US$180/HK$1,400. All full-time students may register for half price.
The registration fee includes conference materials, lunches, tea breaks and a Chinese banquet.