In the past fifteen years, multilevel optimization
algorithms for problems in VLSICAD have become an emerging
trend. To support an exchange between computational
mathematicians and VLSICAD researchers, Jason Cong and I
have organized a 3-day workshop beginning Sept. 17th, 2001,
at the UCLA Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics
(IPAM) at UCLA (www.ipam.ucla.edu). IPAM is a new NSF-funded
mathematical sciences research institute dedicated to
strengthening the ties between the mathematical sciences
with other sciences and engineering. The workshop will
consist of one day of tutorials and 2 days of
1-hour lectures and organized open discussion, with no
parallel sessions. We anticipate 35 -- 50 attendees.
Registration costs $95 for faculty and industry professionals,
$35 for graduate students and postdocs, and is open to all.