The Harold Hotelling Medal for Lifetime Achievement

2023 Winner(s)

Purpose of the Award

This is a competitive award that recognizes ​the lifetime achievements of INFORMS scholars who have made sustained and exceptional contributions to the major areas spanned by ENRE. The name honors the legacy of Harold Hotelling (1895-1973) who made extensive theoretical contributions to the fields of economics and statistics, and applied optimization methods to various practical and important problems in economics, most notably to spatial economics and optimum management of natural resources.

Application process:

Please click here for more information.

Past Awardees

2023 Winner(s)
Christine A. Shoemaker, Cornell University
2022 Winner(s)
Richard P. O'Neill, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
2021 Awardee(s)
Benjamin F. Hobbs, Johns Hopkins University Shmuel S. Oren, University of California, Berkeley Andrés P. Weintraub, Universidad de Chile