MSOM Young Scholar Prize

2024 Awardee(s)

Purpose of the Award

Starting in 2013, the annual MSOM Young Scholar Prize recognizes exceptional young researchers who have made outstanding contributions to scholarship in operations management. Scholars of age 40 years or younger on January 31st of the year in which they are nominated are eligible. The decision on the award will be made by the MSOM Young Scholar Award Committee, a three-person committee with three-year, staggered terms. Nominations are made to the Committee Chair by anyone, including the nominee, and consist of a curriculum vitae, evidence of scholarly and practical impact, statement of major contributions of no more than three pages (may be prepared by the nominee) and three letters of nomination. The award includes a cash prize of $1000. In the event that more than one person is chosen to receive the award, the cash prize will be divided up equally among the recipients.


Click here for award application information. 

Past Awardees

2024 Awardee(s)
N. Bora Keskin, Duke University
Daniela Saban, Stanford University
2023 Awardee(s)
Vishal Agrawal , McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University Ozan Candogan, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago
2022 Awardee(s)
Maxime C. Cohen, McGill University Jun Li, University of Michigan
2021 Awardee(s)
Hamid Nazerzadeh Soroush Saghafian, Harvard University
2020 Awardee(s)
Vivek Farias, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2019 Awardee(s)
Carri W. Chan, Columbia University
2018 Awardee(s)
Victor Martinez de Albeniz, IESE
Ilan Lobel, New York University
2017 Awardee(s)
Omar Besbes, Columbia University Enno Siemsen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2016 Awardee(s)
Achal Bassamboo, Northwestern University
2015 Awardee(s)
Baris Ata, University of Chicago
Gabriel Weintraub, Stanford University
2014 Awardee(s)
Xuanming Su, University of California - Berkeley, Haas School of Business
2013 Awardee(s)
Serguei Netessine, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania