2023 Winner(s)
- Alexandre Jacquillat, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Winning material:
Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics Toward Passenger-Centric Ground Delay Programs
2023 Winner(s)
- Nicholas D. Kullman,
Universite de Tours
- Martin Cousineau, HEC Montréal
- Justin Goodson,
University of Iowa
- Jorge E. Mendoza, HEC Montreal
Winning material:
Dynamic Ride-Hailing with Electric Vehicles
Purpose of the Award
Past Awardees
Alexandre Jacquillat,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nicholas D. Kullman,
Universite de Tours
Martin Cousineau, HEC Montréal Justin Goodson, University of Iowa
Jorge E. Mendoza, HEC Montreal
Martin Cousineau, HEC Montréal Justin Goodson, University of Iowa
Jorge E. Mendoza, HEC Montreal
Mouad Morabit,
Polytechnique Montreal
Guy Desaulniers,
Research Group in Decision Analysis (GERAD), Montreal
Andrea Lodi,
Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute, Cornell Tech and Technion, USA, and CERC, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada