Search Results

All search results for . 12891-12900 of 20203 results.

IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications
...The IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, ...

6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO6)

Workshop on Memetic Algorithms (WOMA-V)

Hong Kong International 2006
...Description: Held in conjunction with the Hong Kong Operational Research Society...

The First Euro Conference on Mobile Government (The EURO, mGOV 2005)

2004 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO-2004)

Puerto Rico International 2007
...Description: General Chair: Karla Hoffman, George Mason University...


Future Directions in Applied Mathematics
...On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Jean-Claude Nedelec, a conference...

Fifth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis