All search results for . 13121-13130 of 20211 results.
Workshop in Connecticut on Operator Theory and Applications IWOTA 2005
...The Sixteenth International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications is...
MAFELAP 2006 Conference at Brunel University on Finite Elements
...We are pleased to announce that MAFELAP 2006, the next conference on the ...
The First Pacific Rim International Workshop on Electronic Commerce
...In cooperation with...
Conference in Kyoto on Computability and Complexity in Analysis CCA 2005
IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniera Industrial
Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing SYNASC-2005
...Workshop description...
Workshop: Computational Life Sciences
...Mathematical models and numerical simulations based thereon play a prominent ...
Myths and Reality of Productivity Miracles and Failures in Transitional Economies
...Organized by: UPEG (Ukrainian Productivity and Efficiency Group) at EROC/EERC-...
The International Symposium on Finite Volumes