All search results for . 13361-13370 of 20211 results.
Great Moments in HistORy
...Editor's note: A version of this timeline appears on the CD included in copies ...
The Science of Better What?
...nbsp;Learning without wisdom is like a load of books on a donkey's back.-...
IV Encuentro de la Red Iberoamericana de Evaluacion y Decision Multicriterio
Milestone Manifesto
...From my point of view, Phil Morse and his disciples seemed too far removed from ...
O.R.: The Science of Better
...Editor's Note...
VIII Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC 2009)
Reminiscences & Reflections: My first taste of OR 'Frank Parker Fowler Jr. Made Me Do It'
...In the late 1960s, I was a systems analyst in the mathematics division of Sandia...
The Real No-Spin Zone
...We don't talk politics in this space, and for good reason. OR/MS Today ...
INFORMS MSOM Conference and Special Interest Group (SIGs) Meetings
...We invite you to attend the 2009 MSOM Annual Conference and the Special Interest...
Reminiscences & Reflections: My first taste of OR 'I Had a Helluva Big Assignment'
...In 1953, I was working at Hughes Aircraft, assigned to write specifications for ...