Search Results

All search results for . 13971-13980 of 20211 results.

Monica Villarreal

INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference 2013

Gonca Karakus

ISMS Marketing Science Conference

Paul Kerl

Election 2012: The ‘13 keys’ to the White House
...By Douglas A. SamuelsonWith the presidential election a year and a half away, ...

Yun Shin Lee

UPS Smith Prize
...Annual Award of $10,000 Will Honor Former UPS CEO George D. SmithCHICAGO, April ...

MISO earns Edelman honors
...The Edelman-winning team, including Midwest ISO CEO and President John Bear (...

Lessons learned en route to the Edelman
...When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action...