Search Results

All search results for . 19311-19320 of 19372 results.

Game theory

Samuelson, Paul A.

Thomas, Michael E.

In Memoriam: Robert Eugene Donald Woolsey (1936-2015)
...A pillar of the profession and a relentless advocate for practical applications...

INFORMS NEWS: Philadelphia set to host 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting
...By Tams Terlaky...

Anita Elberse

INFORMS NEWS: Student Analytical Scholar Award
...Radhika Kulkarni (left) presents Student Analytical Scholar Award to Jodie Lam...

Bilkent University Supply Chain and Logistics Workshop
...Bilkent UniversityEighth Annual Workshop on Supply Chain and LogisticsJune 9, ...

Group decisions and teams

Information systems