Search Results

All search results for . 21-30 of 20081 results.

INFORMS Marketing Science Conference

Andreea Popescu

POM 2001: POM Mastery in the New Millenuim

First International Workshop on Scheduling and Telecommunications
...The availability of large parallel computers and improved network technologies...

Student Affairs Subcommittee
...The Student Affairs Committee supports and develops activities related to the ...

CP-AI-OR 2001 Third International Workshop on the Integration of AI and OR Techniques
...The integration of techniques from AI and OR has shown in the past years...

4th Cracow Conf on Graph Theory (CZORSZTYN '02)

Publications Committee
...Mission The Publications Committee oversees all of the publications of the ...

15th Belgian Conference on Quantitative Methods and Decision Making
...The SOGESCI-BVWB invites you to attend the fifteenth ORBEL conference which will...

...ORP3 is a EURO conference on OR designed for young researchers...