All search results for . 3411-3420 of 20198 results.
Hong Kong International 2006
...Description: Held in conjunction with the Hong Kong Operational Research Society...
Winter Simulation Conference 2004
...Chair: Jeff Smith,
Workshop on Memetic Algorithms (WOMA-V)
Puerto Rico International 2007
...Description: General Chair: Karla Hoffman, George Mason University...
IASTED International Conference on Biomechanics
...The International Conference on Biomechanics is a major contact venue for ...
INFORMS Computing Society Conference
...Co-chairs: Bruce Golden, University of Maryland (; Ed ...
Eleventh Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO XI)
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
Knowledge Discovery and Discrete Mathematics
The First Euro Conference on Mobile Government (The EURO, mGOV 2005)