Search Results

All search results for . 4021-4030 of 20202 results.

The making of ‘EORMS 3e’
...Dedication: To the memory of my very dear colleague Saul Irving Gass, an O.R. ...

Jing Xie

Simulation Software Survey — Simulation: a better reality?
...By James J. Swain...

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe occasion was a first for Joe, an up-and...

IFORS 2014 Triennial Conference
...We invite you to participate in the IFORS 2014 Conference and to submit an ...

INFORMS 2014 Transportation Science & Logistics Society Workshop
...Chairs: Maciek Nowak, & Michael Hewitt,

Guglielmo Lulli

Carlos F. Daganzo

Sumit Sarkar

Chris Kemerer