Search Results

All search results for . 4171-4180 of 19566 results.

Rui Sun Image

Daniel Huppmann

INFORMS News: INFORMS welcomes 12 Fellows
...INFORMS President Ed Kaplan (far left) and Committee Chair Jim Dyer (far right) ...

Sauleh Siddiqui

CAP: What's on the exam?

INFORMS News: NPS Professor Brown receives INFORMS President’s Award
...INFORMS President Ed Kaplan (left)) and Presidents Award recipient Gerald ...

Curt Stripling

Mining & mitigating social conflicts in Peru
...Reflections from O.R. practice: How soft systems methodology can address ...

INFORMS News: Eight share Impact Prize for contributions to revenue management
...Michael Fry (far left) and INFORMS President Ed Kaplan (far right) congratulate ...

Shomesh Chaudhuri