All search results for . 6671-6680 of 20203 results.
Kayse Lee Maass
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?For as long as I can remember, I knew...
2016 Edelman Finalist U.S. Army
...Bayesian Networks for US Army Electronics Equipment Diagnostic Applications: ...
What Impact will Watson Have on the Use of Analytics in Business? An Overview of Deep Q&A Technology
...Christer Johnson, MBA, North American BAO Advanced Analytics Leader, IBM Global ...
2016 Edelman Finalist NYPD
...The New York City Police Department's Domain Awareness SystemThe New York City ...
2016 Edelman Finalist BNY Mellon
...Transition State and End State Optimization Used in the BNY Mellon U.S. Tri-...
Optimizing Customer Analytics: How Customer-Level Web Data Can Help
...Bill Franks, MS, Chief Analytics Officer, Global SAS Program, Teradata ...
2016 Edelman Award Finalist ANFP
...O.R. Transforms Scheduling of Chilean Soccer Leagues and South American World ...
2011 INFORMS Edelman Awards Gala
...The purpose of the Franz Edelman competition is to bring forward, recognize and ...
2016 Edelman Award Finalist 360i
...Digital Nervous System Generate $250MM in Cost Savings and $1B in Revenue ...
2009: HP Wins the Franz Edelman Award
...HP offers a wide spectrum of innovative products to meet diverse customer needs...