All search results for . 8711-8720 of 20198 results.
Destenie Nock
TutORial: Machine Learning and Data Mining with Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms
...By Dorit Simona Hochbaum. The dominant algorithms for machine learning tasks ...
TutORial: Tabu and Scatter Search: Principles and Practice
...By Manuel Laguna. This tutorial focuses on the metaheuristics known as tabu ...
Junfei Huang
Boaz Carmeli
TutORial: Risk-Averse Stochastic Modeling and Optimization
...By Nilay Noyan. The ability to compare random outcomes based on the decision ...
TutORial: How to Influence and Improve Decisions Through Optimization Models
...By Jeffrey D. Camm. Industry���s recent increased focus on data driven-decision ...
Gerry Tsoukalas
Page 16
...Vehicle Routing Software SurveyTable 16...
Optimization Modeling & Techniques for Systemic Risk Assessment & Control in Financial Networks
...By John R. Birge, Jiming Peng, and Aein Khabazian.Since the crisis in 2007-2008...