Search Results

All search results for . 9081-9090 of 20201 results.

McCormick, Garth P.

...The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC) invites ...

Find an Analytics Consultant
...To help you find qualified analytics expertise independent analytics ...

...By John ToczekMany people store their valuables in home safes because they ...

...Editors note: This is another in a series of articles profiling members of ...

Innovative Education: Rethinking O.R. teacher training
...By Peter C. Bell...

Innovative Education: Shaping tomorrow’s problem solvers
...By Jeff Kline...

Innovative Education: Educating the next generation of data scientists
...By Deepinder Dhingra and Meena Anantha Padmanabhan...

Innovative Education: Early O.R. education
...By Kenneth Chelst and Thomas Edwards...

Innovative Education: Optimal learning
...By Warren B. Powell...