Search Results

All search results for . 7631-7640 of 20198 results.

INFORMS News: INFORMS International Conference set for Taipei on June 17-20
...Taipei is the political, economic, educational and cultural center of Taiwan. ...

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, unless you are an app developer
...Key Takeaway:  A copycat apps ability to either detract from or enhance ...

How beer revolutionized math - and just might save humanity

Google trends data comparing interest in Machine Learning and Operations Research

Pediatric Heart Network Project named as finalist for prestigious 2018 Franz Edelman Award

Inside Story
...Peter Horner, editorpeter.horner@mail.informs.orgAnyone with a conscience ...

When to Deploy Test Auctions in Sourcing
...Many companies award supply contracts through competitive bidding, where the ...

Diving into HQ Trivia: The toughest rounds, the best time to play and how some users beat the odds

Issues in Education
...By Vijay MehrotraIn my recent MBA elective course on data mining, I assigned my ...

2018 OR/MS Today Forecasting Software Survey
...For your product information to be included in the published survey you must ...