All search results for . 7671-7680 of 20198 results.
O.R. & Analytics: Saving Lives, Saving Money, Solving Problems
...Learn more and discover INFORMS - the leading international association for ...
What’s Wrong with My Dishwasher: Advanced Analytics Improve the Diagnostic Process for Miele Technicians
...Miele, a leading appliance manufacturer, is looking to optimize the ways in ...
Optimizing investments: Student teams compete to create equity portfolios with analytics and operations research
...Baltimore, MD, April 17, 2018 ��� Balancing risk to achieve a high performing ...
Form Submitted
...Thank you for contributing to this important survey. We at Informs are sure you...
Vendor List
...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyVendor List...
Demand-Based Payout Ratio for Coordinating Supply and Demand on an On-Demand Ride Sharing Platform
...For ride-sharing services like Uber, or Didi in China, getting the right number ...
Supply Chain Management
...Software SurveySupply Chain ManagementDespite persistent implementation problems...
INFORMS News: 2017 INFORMS Subdivision Awards
...The following awards were presented by the respective INFORMS societies, ...
Trick, a member of FCC team, honored for operations research