The great container shortage
Standardising shipping containers in the 1950’s made global trade possible but what happens to supply chains when there’s a shortage of these big metal boxes
BALTIMORE, MD, March 14, 2025 – YouTube influencers are shaping the gaming industry in unexpected ways, and a new study in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science uncovers the surprising truth: Although influencers can drive massive engagement with video games, they might also be costing game developers millions in lost sales.
Contentious minerals deal has sparked a war of words between Trump and Zelensky, and could be announced later this week
Americans have probably heard the word “tariffs” more in the past month than in the past four years — and for good reason. Tariffs are central to President Donald Trump’s economic playbook, despite opposition from mainstream economists and trade experts.
An audio journey of how data and analytics save lives, save money and solve problems.
Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]
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Standardising shipping containers in the 1950’s made global trade possible but what happens to supply chains when there’s a shortage of these big metal boxes
The growth in cannabis retail stores between 2018 and 2020 was driven by more than just the move to legalize recreational weed three years ago, suggests a new Canadian study.
ITHACA, N.Y. – New research from Cornell University lays out in detail why ranked-choice voting (RCV), combined with multi-member legislative districts, promotes fair representation and severely limits the gerrymanderers’ ability to draw themselves into the Election Day winner’s circle.
RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) – You might notice certain products out of stock at your local grocery store.
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