INFORMS Releases

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When the insurance company monitors your driving in real time does it help?

When the insurance company monitors your driving in real time does it help?

News Release, February 6, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, February 6, 2019 – The traditional model for setting auto insurance premiums has been to base rates on the motorist’s driving history, age, gender and even marital status (in some states). Thanks to new technological options, insurance companies and motorists have started to work together to give the insurance companies access to better data on an individual driver’s risk level, and give the same driver a sense of greater control over how much he or she will pay in insurance premiums.

With weight loss being a common self-improvement goal does the ‘buddy system’ approach to weight loss work?

With weight loss being a common self-improvement goal does the ‘buddy system’ approach to weight loss work?

News Release, January 29, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, January 29, 2019 – One of the more common self-improvement goals, particularly in the winter months before “beach body” season, is to lose weight. How people attempt to achieve their goals may vary by individual, but one of the more popular approaches is enrollment in a commercial weight loss program that uses a ‘buddy system’ approach to weight loss.

2019 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award: World’s leading operations research and analytics applications selected as finalists

2019 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award: World’s leading operations research and analytics applications selected as finalists

News Release, January 3, 2019

INFORMS, the leading international association for professionals in operations research and analytics, has selected six finalists for the 48th annual Franz Edelman Award for Achievements in Advanced Analytics, Operations Research and Management Science, the world’s most prestigious award for achievement in the practice of analytics and operations research (O.R.). 

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

INFORMS Magazines

OR/MS Today is the INFORMS member magazine that shares the latest research and best practices in operations research, analytics and the management sciences.

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Analytics magazine showcases articles and research reports based on big data, AI, machine learning, data analytics and other new-age technologies.

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Decision Science Digest

Decision Science Digest: June 18, 2024

BALTIMORE, MD, June 18, 2024 –

EDITOR’S NOTE: Decision Science Digest is a periodic communique highlighting recent peer-reviewed research published by INFORMS, the largest association for the decision and data sciences, across its 17 journals. This issue highlights four press releases based on the findings of new peer-reviewed articles.

  • Tailoring Ads to Consumers: How Facial Expression Software is Streamlining the Process (INFORMS journal Management Science)
  • Teaming Up to Reach a Goal: New Research Proves Social Ties Improve Long-Standing Success (INFORMS journal Management Science)
  • Predicting Deliveries: Fostering Trust with Consumers So They Buy Again, A New Model to Nail Down Product Delivery Dates (INFORMS journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management)
  • The Tesla Effect! The Impact of EV Charging Locations on Local Businesses (INFORMS journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management)
Decision Science Digest: May 30, 2024

BALTIMORE, MD, May 30, 2024 –

EDITOR’S NOTE: Decision Science Digest is a periodic communique highlighting recent peer-reviewed research published by INFORMS, the largest association for the decision and data sciences, across its 17 journals. This issue highlights four press releases based on the findings of new peer-reviewed articles. 

  • Increasing Efficiency & Care in the Hospital System: Reducing a Nurse’s Workload by One Patient Leads to 14% Speedup in Service to Other Patients (INFORMS journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management)
  • Incorporating Diversity Equally: What Group Size Reveals About Perceptions on Diversity (INFORMS journal Organization Science)
  • New Research Reveals Bias in Awards for NBA Players When a High-Profile Player is on the Team (INFORMS journal Organization Science)
  • Embracing a New Normal: How Restaurants Can Adjust to Stay Afloat in a World of DoorDash and Grubhub (INFORMS journal Service Science)
See all Decision Science Digest Releases