Media Coverage

Media articles featuring INFORMS members in the news.

Most Recent Media Coverage


Standing out in the crowd: aCAP certification helps distinguish young analytics talent

KD Nuggets, September 13, 2016

As the demand for analytics professionals continues to grow, and more and more universities are adding or expanding their analytics programs, it is increasingly important for young analytics professionals to stand out to potential employers. Alan Briggs, INFORMS member and project manager and data scientists with Elder Research, Inc., discusses how the new Associate Certified Analytics Professional (aCAP™) program can place emerging analytics professionals on the path to success.

Who's crunching the data?

insideBIGDATA, September 13, 2016

According to a recent KPMG study, CEOs are relying on an abundance of data and analytics to make critical management decisions, however many CEOs do not trust the data they receive. INFORMS member and University of Notre Dame Professor Scott Nestler discusses the value of the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) program in assuring CEOs and other leadership of an analytics professional's adherence to high standards and the quality of their data.

Consumer online search habits provide opportunity for retailers and advertisers

The Times of India, September 7, 2016

After identifying a sample of 1,000 digital camera purchases from the browsing and purchase history of more than two million consumers, INFORMS members Bart Bronnenberg of Tilburg University and Carl Mela of Duke University, with Jun Kim of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, discovered unique insight on how advertisers and retailers can influence the final purchase. Their findings will be published in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science.

Minimizing food waste is especially important for meat products

The Huffington Post, July 25, 2016

The global demand for meat is continuing to rise, and with meat waste accounting for 21 percent of food waste's global carbon footprint, it is more important than ever to limit how much of our meat leftovers go to waste. Ronald McGarvey, INFORMS member and assistant professor at University of Missouri's Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department, discusses the impact that food waste, particularly meat, has on the environment.  

Leading the Pack

Forbes, August 29, 2016

Brenda L. Dietrich, former INFORMS president who leads the data science function of IBM Business Analytics Insights as a Service unit, was named as one of the top nine women leading the pack in data analytics.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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An audio journey of how data and analytics save lives, save money and solve problems.

Artificial Intelligence

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Fast Mode, February 10, 2025

The telecom industry is at a pivotal crossroads, and the only choice forward for telcos is to pursue innovation without the fear of failure. Telcos must be willing to capitalize on emerging technologies and shifting market dynamics that will soon dominate the future telecom landscape. Three areas, in particular, telcos should begin investing in and exploring (if they haven’t already) include:


We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 23, 2025

Health insurance has become necessary, with large and unpredictable health care costs always looming before each of us. Unfortunately, the majority of people have experienced problems when using their health insurance to pay for their medical care. Health insurance serves as the buffer between patients and the medical care system, using population pooling to mitigate the risk exposure on any one individual.

Supply Chain

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello, February 28, 2025

Prof. Anna Nagurney explains what Rare Earth Minerals are and their importance in a variety of industries along with day-to-day life
