News Releases

Press releases featuring INFORMS journal content, awards, and organization news. This content spans a variety of fields authored by a diverse and robust international community of practitioners, researchers, educators and students.

Paving the way for autonomous vehicles: Student teams use operations research and analytics to help GM introduce new vehicles to fleet

Paving the way for autonomous vehicles: Student teams use operations research and analytics to help GM introduce new vehicles to fleet

News Release, April 16, 2019

Austin, TX, April 16, 2019 – Student teams around the world have shown they are more than ready for the challenges they will face in their professional careers, with a group of students from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea successfully using operations research (O.R.) and analytics to help GM analyze how autonomous vehicles may change the finished vehicle delivery and operating processes to win the 2019 O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition.

Does live tweeting while watching TV distract from the ads?

Does live tweeting while watching TV distract from the ads?

News Release, April 2, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, April 2, 2019 – Researchers from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and at Goizueta Business School at Emory University published new research in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science which reveals that advertisers can see a boost in online shopping when television viewers multitask and engage in social media activity while watching certain programs.

Crisis management: When your celebrity advertising endorser generates negative publicity

Crisis management: When your celebrity advertising endorser generates negative publicity

News Release, March 25, 2019

 CATONSVILLE, MD, March 25, 2019 – Researchers from the University of Connecticut and Free University of Berlin published new research in the INFORMS journal Management Science that provides companies with substantiated, actionable insights on strategies for effectively responding to situations where their highly compensated celebrity endorsers generate negative publicity.

Researchers identify method to prioritize treatment strategies in hepatitis C in U.S. prison system

Researchers identify method to prioritize treatment strategies in hepatitis C in U.S. prison system

News Release, March 21, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, March 21, 2019 – There are currently more than three million people in the United States with hepatitis C, a condition that can lead to serious and even deadly liver complications. In the U.S. prison system, the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is currently 10 times higher than the national average. And while new HCV treatment drugs are very effective, their high cost along with very limited healthcare budget in prisons impedes universal treatment in prisons. However, new research in the INFORMS journal Operations Research, has identified new protocols that could substantially decrease HCV infection in the U.S. prison system.

How measurable is online advertising?

How measurable is online advertising?

News Release, March 20, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, March 20, 2019 – Researchers from Northwestern University and Facebook in March published new research in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science that sheds light on whether common approaches for online advertising measurement are as reliable and accurate as the “gold standard” of large-scale, randomized experiments.

Egon Balas: 1922–2019

Egon Balas: 1922–2019

News Release, March 19, 2019

INFORMS is saddened to learn of the passing of INFORMS Fellow and esteemed member of the Carnegie Mellon University faculty, Egon Balas, who overcame an early life in the shadow of the volatile political dynamic of World War II-era Romania to become a leader in the field of operations research.

Military O.R.: New Editor’s Cut captures the past, present and future of operations research in the military

Military O.R.: New Editor’s Cut captures the past, present and future of operations research in the military

News Release, March 5, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, March 5, 2019 – From the very first moment the term operations research (O.R.) was created during World War II, it has been indelibly connected to the development of modern military warfare. And while today, O.R. sees applications in every industry around the world, it continues to serve an integral role in military operations, from manpower and equipment, to strategy and intelligence.

Can machine learning deliver critical market insights on consumer needs faster and cheaper?

Can machine learning deliver critical market insights on consumer needs faster and cheaper?

News Release, February 7, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, February 7, 2019 – Consumer brands have long used old-fashioned focus groups, interviews and surveys to best gauge consumer wants, desires and needs as part of processes that range from product development, to marketing and sales. As machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have emerged, there is an increasing interest in the ability to harness these solutions to save time and money, and to yield more reliable consumer insights.

When the insurance company monitors your driving in real time does it help?

When the insurance company monitors your driving in real time does it help?

News Release, February 6, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, February 6, 2019 – The traditional model for setting auto insurance premiums has been to base rates on the motorist’s driving history, age, gender and even marital status (in some states). Thanks to new technological options, insurance companies and motorists have started to work together to give the insurance companies access to better data on an individual driver’s risk level, and give the same driver a sense of greater control over how much he or she will pay in insurance premiums.

With weight loss being a common self-improvement goal does the ‘buddy system’ approach to weight loss work?

With weight loss being a common self-improvement goal does the ‘buddy system’ approach to weight loss work?

News Release, January 29, 2019

CATONSVILLE, MD, January 29, 2019 – One of the more common self-improvement goals, particularly in the winter months before “beach body” season, is to lose weight. How people attempt to achieve their goals may vary by individual, but one of the more popular approaches is enrollment in a commercial weight loss program that uses a ‘buddy system’ approach to weight loss.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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